Recently there is a trend of bringing out fragrant stamps in India. This started with the sandalwood stamps and the recent one to be released is on Jasmine. Do these stamps make any difference to a collector? How many years the fragrance remains intact?
Fellow collectors and Philatelists what are your views?
I think that the fragrance lasts for a year.
hi !
It's a good idea to release perfumed stamps but one wonders how long the perfume will last.
Another idea for India Post could be to release stamps/miniature sheets in odd shapes
I feel INDIA POST should issue stamps on themes like achievements in Space research, Environmental concerns, Greenary, Energy development etc.
K Sridhar from Mangalore
I have a Swiss chocolate stamp issued in 2001 that is still quite fragrant and the Sandalwood stamps from 2006 are so highly fragrant that they permeate my whole album.
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