Russia Post released a stamp depicting Russian Berries like red raspberry, black currant, blue-berried honeysuckle and pineapple strawberry on 17th January 2020.

Garden strawberry, or pineapple strawberry (lat. Fragaria ananassa) is a perennial herbage plant of the Fragaria genus and the rose family, Rosaceae.
It is the most widespread and cultivated small-fruit crop in Russia. It
is neither frost- nor drought-resistant, but a shade-enduring plant.
Black currant (lat. Ribes nigrum) is a deciduous shrub, a species of the Ribes berries and the monotypical family, Grossulariaceae.
It grows naturally in groups in floodplains, and less commonly under
forest canopy over vast territories of Europe, Siberia, Russian Far
East, Mongolia and China.
European red raspberry (lat. Rubus idaeus) is a subshrub of the Rubus genus and the rose family, Rosaceae. It grows in gardens, forests (frequently on defrosted areas) and along riverbanks. It is often cultivated in gardens.
Blue-berried honeysuckle, or Kamchatka honeysuckle (lat. Lonicera caerulea) is a deciduous shrub with edible fruit of a dark-blue color; a species of the Lonicera and the family of Caprifoliaceae.
They are native to Kamchatka, the Magadan region and some islands of
the Kuril chain. It also grows within the temperate area of the entire
Northern Hemisphere.