Are you a Stamp Collector? Or a Student? A Teacher? A Historian? Do you have questions like; When was the stamp on Vasudev Balvant Phadke released? What was the purpose of releasing stamp on Jawahar Jyoti? You are at correct place. Yes! Philately Reckoner – India is the right place to get answers for all Indian Stamp related queries for all.
Gujarat Philatelists’ Association (GPA) has come with an Android Application for Mobiles and Tablets called Philately Reckoner – India. The Application lists all Commemorative Stamps released from 1947 till date. It lists 2644 Commemorative Stamps, 218 Definitive Stamps, 149 Miniature Sheets, 120 Sheetlets, 53 MyStamps along with release dates of stamps.
Commemorative Stamps include the quantity of stamps released along with the detailed description in English which is mentioned in the Brochure. This can be a Key Point as most of the brochures are not available now and new collectors normally face difficulties getting this information. The answers to above questions are kept inside this detailed description of stamps on these topics.
This can be claimed as World’s First Application in any format where entire Database of Postage Stamp of any country is collated and kept open for public viewing.
This application has powerful Search Functionality which allows users to Not Only Search by Key Words but also Date-wise. If you want to search for a Stamp released on 1st January in any Year, You just need to select "01" in Date and "01" in Month and click "Search" and entire database of Stamps, be it Commemorative or Definitive, or anything will be displayed. If you want to see how many stamps released on Sardar Vallabhbhai, Just Enter "Sardar Vallabhbhai" in search field and click Search and the result will be displayed. By selecting both Text and Date in Search box it will show the result of Stamps on particular topic released on that date.
And Yes, all stamps are with Images and listed Year-wise in sequence which is more or less an online catalogue of Stamps, saves precious time and money as the App is Free for All. The Application is designed for Gujarat Philatelists’ Association by Philatelist Jatin Trivedi of Ahmedabad. He can be reached at for feedback/suggestions. This App can be downloaded from Google Play stores for Free.
Courtesy: Jatin Trivedi, Ahmedabad.