Jainism Philately Group (JPG), an organization of Philatelists collecting Jainism and allied themes, had organized a Members Meet & Get-to-gather at world famous temple city Khajuraho (M.P.) on 5th Oct. 2014. Total 91 parsons attended this meet from various States of India.JPG had organized free lodging, boarding, Satna - Khajuraho and local transportation for all the participants.
In the morning, participants visited all the important temples in three groups along with the expert guides. After lunch, meeting was started at 3 PM in the Jain temples complex presided by the National Chairman Mr. Sudhir Jain (Satna, M.P.). Meeting was conducted by Vice Chairman Dr. Pradip Jin (Balod, Chattisgarh). And Mr. Pramod Kumar Jain (Pondicherry).given welcome speech.
Mr. Mithalal Jain (Pune), Mr. Lalit Kumar Nahata (Delhi), Mr. Devendra KumarJain (Secundrabad), Mr. J. M. Dhor (Jaipur), Mr. Hemant Bafna (Pune), Mrs. Meena Mutha (Mumbai), Mr. Arvind Jain (Ajmer), Mr. Shantilal Hiran (Nasik), Mr. Hemant Jain (Mandla), Mr. Tej Singh Chaudhry (Jodhpur), Mr. Prakash Chasuksi (Udaipur), Mr. Vijay Singh Jamed (Kishangarh), Mr. Tejkaran Jain (Rajnandgaon),, Mr. Anil Jain (Ajmer), Mr. Ganesh Oswal (Pune), Mr. Nirmal Jain (Satna), Mr. Vijay Modi (Himmatnagar), Mr. Pragya Kothari (Patna) etc. given valuable suggestions which includes -

1. Pictorial cancellation seals used at various important places are in very bad condition. Related PMGs should be persuaded for new one.
2. Special cancellations should be affixed on all the outgoing mails on that particular date.
3. Director Philately should be requested not to issue many higher denomination stamps.
4. A multicolour book should be published bearing images of all the philatelic material related to Jainism
5. Philatelic Workshops should be organized in the schools of various cities
6. Try to add one liner slogens in the Postal Receipts of different Post Offices
7. To peruse for release of some stamps on Jain architecture, principles and personalities.
Members celebrated 60th anniversary of Mr. Sudhir Jain, Chairman JPG. Mr. Sudhir Jain announced that he will financial help to 60 poor students every year. Mrs. Meera Jain wife of Late Philatelist Naresh Kumar Jain of Patna, who had prepared first collection on Jainism 30 years ago, was also honoured by JPG.
A beautiful kit, bearing many special covers, pictorial cancellations, pre independence postal stationary, packed coins, set of Khajuraho idols, book and picture post cards, philatelic calendar and literature etc. was distributed to all the participants.It was a memorable event enjoyed by all. Next meet has been finalized at Udaipur after one year.
Courtesy: Sudhir Jain.