On 17 April 2012 Israel Post issued a set of 3 stamps with tabs, commemorating the renaissance of Jewish Seamanship and some of its prominent captains and sailors.

HEHALUTZ (The Pioneer) steamship that was acquired in 1919 to transport goods along the eastern shores of the Mediterranean, is shown on the background of Old Jaffa.The tab depicts the Gozal (Fledgling) motorized sail vessel that was acquired in 1927 by the Nesher Cement Company to carry cement, as well as Captain Zeev Hayam (Sea Wolf) who commanded its voyages along the eastern Mediterranean.
SARAH A was a training vessel owned by the Nautical School for Jewish Students which was established in Civitavecchia, Italy, in 1934... The vessel visited the Haifa port in 1936. The stamp also depicts Jeremiah Helpern, one of the founders of the Beitar youth movement´s maritime department and the initiator of the Nautical School.The tab depicts a training rowing boat and the emblems of the Zevulun Seafaring Society.
HAR ZION was one of the Palestine Maritime Lloyd company which were carrying both passengers and freight... They sailed on the Haifa-Istanbul-Constanza route, exporting citrus fruit and importing, among other things, wood and cattle... The Har Zion was commanded by veteran seaman Captain Erich Hirschfeld.The tab depicts the Tel-Aviv ship, owned by Arnold Bernstein from Hamburg, which sailed the Haifa-Trieste route from 1934-1936... It also commemorates engineer Emanuel Tuvim, one of the founders of Hevel Yami Le´Yisrael, an organization thet promoted maritime education among the youth of Eretz Israel.