November 26, 2016

Navigation on Lake Issyk-Kul

On 25th November 2016 a set of 4 stamp was released by Kyrgyzstan Post to celebrate  Navigation on Lake Issyk-Kul. 4 stamps were on the Three-masted schooner "Issyk-Kul", Motor ship "Progress of Kyrgyzstan", launched in 1926, Cruiser "Moscow" of the President of Kyrgyzstan and Torpedo boat.

The first large ships on Issyk-Kul were sailing longboats and schooners. In the twentieth century the relay was accepted by more powerful and efficient motor ships. In 1925 it was created the Issyk-Kul State Shipping Company, which played a major role in the transport shipping in the region. Cargo and passenger ships carried out transportation between the cities of Rybachye (now Balykchy) and Przhevalsk (nowadays Karakol), as well as other wharfs. It was the highest mountain fleet in the USSR.

Issyk-Kul has played and continues to play a significant role in military and naval matters. The testing facilities of the Russian Navy are located on the Lake, where torpedo weapons are tested.

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