June 6, 2024

No Tobacco Day

31st May was observed as No Tobacco Day, worldwide. With a view to make people aware of ill effects of Tobacco, a Special Cancellation was issued at Patna by Sri Anil Kumar, Chief PMG. The message of Mahatma Gandhi i.e. 'Smoking - an expensive vice, an unclean habit' (धुम्रपान  - एक खर्चीली बुराई, एक गंदी आदत) has been incorporated in the Cancellation, along with image of diseased lungs, a victim of smoking. Gandhi had expressed this view, regarding Tobacco addiction,  on 12.01.1921 in Young India. This message of Gandhi has been culled from the book 'The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi'. 

Courtesy: Lalit Kumar Mishra, Patna.

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